Insufficient Research On Cervical Cancer Vaccine Raises Concern August 12, 2015 12:12
Recently, Indian Government has planned to introduce cervical cancer vaccine in the universal immunization program. But several civil society organizations and public health groups raised concerns over the hurried license of cervical cancer vaccine in…
Read MoreEbola Vaccine Shows 100% Success In Trials Conducted In Guinea August 01, 2015 15:07
A vaccine against Ebola has been shown 100% successful in trials conducted in Guinea during the epidemic and is expected to bring an end to the current epidemic and future Ebola outbreaks in West Africa.The…
Read MoreCervical Cancer and Oral Cancer may be prevented by Turmeric! April 25, 2015 14:57
Turmeric, which is abundantly used in Indian cooking and also in ayurverdic medicine preparation, is found to be a potential compound in treating cancers caused by virus. Dr Alok Mishra of Emory University of Atlanta…
Read MoreDTP Vaccine August 27, 2013 20:31
DTP vaccine confers immunity to diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. The vaccine used in the United States is actually multiple diphtheria and tetanus toxoids combined with acellular pertussis (DTaP). The original vaccine, which as of 2004…
Read MoreVaricella zoster (chicken pox) vaccine (VZV) August 27, 2013 20:25
The varicella zoster vaccine to protect children against the common childhood disease known as chicken pox was approved for use in the United States in the early 1990s. It was tested in Japan in the…
Read MoreDoctors Call for HPV Vaccination of Young Gay Men August 27, 2013 20:13
By all accounts, efforts to vaccinate young girls against the human papillomavirus (HPV) have been a success, preventing potentially fatal cases of cervical cancer. Anal cancer is caused by the same strains of the human…
Read MorePneumonia vaccine for children also protects older adults August 27, 2013 20:01
Vaccination that protects children against pneumonia also seems to provide spillover protection to their grandparents and older adults, U.S. researchers say. Dr. Marie Griffin, a professor of preventive medicine at Vanderbilt University, and colleagues analyzed…
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